Layla Jane was just thirteen years old when she was approved for a double mastectomy to help her transition away from her life as a biological female. Now, she regrets her decision. In an interview with Fox News, Jane, who first identified as male at age eleven, said, “I don’t think I should’ve been allowed to change my sex before I was legally able to have sex.” Now eighteen, Jane is de-transitioning, and legal battles are starting to get justice for the irreversible damage done to her life and her body. Lawyers are accusing the hospital system of “intentional fraud and concealment” after doctors at Kaiser Foundation Hospitals denied her transitioning treatment before age sixteen and then referred her to another group that immediately approved her for the double mastectomy. According to the lawsuit, doctors are accused of forcing her through procedures as the only way to handle her pre-existing mental health problems. Harmeet Dhillon, Jane’s attorney, argues that ‘informed consent’ was withheld from Jane. Dhillon says the hospital was responsible for informing the patient of the possible consequences and drawbacks of the life-changing procedure they performed.
BREITBART: Ex-Transgender Teenager Sues Kaiser Permanente over Double Mastectomy
By Jordan Dixon-Hamilton; March 20, 2023
A teenager who has detransitioned from her lifestyle as a transgender male filed a lawsuit against Permanente Medical Group and Kaiser Foundation Hospitals over the permanent, life-altering “gender-affirming” surgeries doctors performed on her at 13 years old.
Layla Jane is an 18-year-old who underwent a double mastectomy five years before she became an adult.
“I don’t think I should’ve been allowed to change my sex before I was legally able to have sex,” Jane told Fox News last week. “I don’t think I’m better off for the experience, and I think transitioning just completely added fuel to the fire that was my preexisting conditions.”
Jane reportedly struggled with suicidal ideation, social anxiety, depression, body dysmorphia, an eating disorder, and was bullied before her decision to get the mastectomy.
Jane began to identify as a male as early as 11 years old. Despite initially telling her she was ineligible for hormone treatment before turning 16, doctors at Kaiser transferred her to three other doctors who “immediately” approved her hormone treatment and double mastectomy, the Daily Caller reported.
Jane’s lawsuit accused the hospital system of “intentional fraud and concealment” involving her gender transition. She alleges, “the doctors pushed her into the procedure and characterized her gender transition as the only way to treat her preexisting mental health problems,” according to Fox News.
The lawsuit also cites serious health issues due to the “permanent irreversible mutilation,” including a deepened voice, mutilation, increased body hair, inability to breastfeed, and possible infertility.
Jane’s attorney Harmeet Dhillon “alleged Jane’s caregivers failed to administer the necessary mental health treatments before performing the double mastectomy and never informed her that 80% to 90% of teens eager to transition desist from doing so,” Fox News detailed.
“Informed consent was missing here,” Dhillon told Fox News. “It is impossible for a child to give informed consent, and it is impossible for parents who are not fully informed and with a child that was not properly treated [cannot] also give that consent.”
A representative for Kaiser claimed the institution practices “compassionate, evidence-based medicine founded on sound research and best medical practices,” in a statement provided to Fox News.
“The care decisions always rest with the patient and their parents, and, in every case, we respect the patients’ and their families’ informed decisions about their personal health,” the statement continued.
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